Friday, June 12, 2009

Ansley's First Week at Home

Here are a few pics of Ansley's first week at home...

June 6th - First Pediatrician Appt.

Today we took Ansley in for her first checkup with our Pediatrician, Dr. Rich at Mid-City Pediatrics. Because we left the hospital so soon, Dr. Rich wanted us to come in for a quick little 48 hr. checkup. And he told us Ansley is as healthy as she could be. We feel so blessed!!

June 4th - Coming Home

Here are some pictures from our last day at Highland before we left to bring our beautiful baby home. I wish we had some pictures with the nurses. We really loved the nursing staff at Highland. They were so helpful and caring and really made us feel at home while we were there. And they had so many things to teach us about taking care of our new baby girl...

Ansley in her car seat, ready for the ride home. Such a good girl, already sleeping!

All the flowers our friends and family brought for April and Ansley.

Mama loves Ansley!

Close-up of the cutest little baby in town!

Couple of happy, proud parents.

Proud mama with Ansley in her pretty white dress.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Day #2

Here are a couple more pictures...

Is that a smile??

Doesn't mama look good for just having a baby?!?!

Friends & Family Day

Well, this is from Ansley's 1st full day here on planet earth! We had tons of friends and family come and spend time with us. Grandparents from April's and my side were here almost all day. Plus many more. Here are some pictures of everybody holding little Ansley...

Mama of course




Grandma, aka "Nona" (April's mom)

Grandma (Andrew's mom)

Dr. Shattuck

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Few More Pictures

Here are a few more pictures from Ansley's birthday. April sure does look good after being up 2 days straight and pushing for 2 and 1/2 hours! 15 hours of labor total!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

She's Here!!!

Praise God!!
She's Here!!
Ansley Logan Wells is born...

Date: Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Time: 10:37 PM
Weight: 9 lbs. 8 oz.
Size: 20"

She's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen! (just like her mama...)

Monday, June 1, 2009

41 Weeks... :(

Well, today (Monday) is 41 weeks! April is still dilated only 1 cm. It doesn't look like Ansley has dropped any. And April really isn't feeling any contractions. None of our natural methods of induction have worked. And believe me, we have tried them ALL. April went through a whole 4 oz. bottle of Castor Oil this past weekend and we thought if anything would work, it would be that. We have consulted all the baby making experts and have tried everything they recommend. But Ansley just seems to be a little too comfortable in mama right now.

At our OB appointment today, the doctor started throwing around words like "induction" and "c-section." These are words we were hoping we'd never have to think about. Looks like we'll be going to the hospital tonight to start some medication (Cytotec) that should help soften the cervix. We'll see how that goes. Hopefully, Ansley will get uncomfortable enough to start pushing her way out of there. We sure would love to see her! If there is no sign of progress, April is scheduled to start Pitocin tomorrow (Tuesday) morning. But hopefully a little bit more walking and maybe a few warm baths in the Jacuzzi tub will get that baby moving on her own. Did I mention how much we would love to see her??

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

40 WEEKS!!

40 WEEKS... We're here! Monday, May 25th was Ansley's due date. We can't wait to see her! But I've heard from lots of other mama's that their first baby was atleast 2 weeks late. We've got another appointment Thursday, May 27th to see if there's been any more progress. So far, April is dilated only 1cm but the cervix is beginning to soften. We're a little worried about her being too much longer cuz she might already be too big. But we're trusting God to take care of everything in His time.

While we wait for Ansley to arrive, take a look at this new video. The last video of Ansley's room was just a video of the finished paint job. Take a look at what the room looks like now! It took us 5 months to get it ready!

Before & After

Here's a little comparison of what kind of changes April has gone through over the last 9 months...
It's amazing to think about what little Ansley must be going through in there. We can't wait to see her!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

39 weeks!!

Well, no pictures today. Ansley is due exactly ONE WEEK from today!!!
We have had a couple ultrasounds over the last few weeks. Both told us April is carrying a pretty big baby! Hopefully, all our Bradley education and training over the last few months will pay off. April is still planning on a natural birth...
April has been packing up the bags, putting the finishing touches on the baby room, and making the house smell REALLY good! I'm sure Ansley will love her new home! It should be a little brighter and drier than her current living situation.
We will post some new pictures once the baby room is completely complete.
My parents left California yesterday and are driving all the way out here to Louisiana. It's a 2000+ mile trip, so we probably won't see them until later this week. Hopefully Ansley can wait. :)
BUT... April will begin drinking Red Raspberry Leaf tea and trying a few other natural induction methods this week to try to keep Ansley from getting too much bigger before birth. Keep an eye on the blog! We're hoping for lots of new updates soon...

Friday, April 10, 2009

Glory to God!!

Well, Praise God! It took two LONG years and lots of busy, stressful times... but we finally made it through. I recently graduated nursing school, got a job, and passed my state boards. All in just the last few months. And now I have the nametag to prove it! I'm finally an RN and God has blessed me with a job that should help to provide for the family.
When I moved from California to Louisiana, I was a Graphic Designer with a 4-year degree in Computer Arts and almost no experience at all. I had a few jobs in Shreveport doing Graphic Design but April and I knew it just wouldn't pay the bills once we had a family of our own. As some of you know, April is planning on quitting teaching and staying at home with little Ansley and any other kids we have in the future. So it feels great to have this new career going and starting in a field that should be steady enough to always be able to "bring home the bacon!"

Glory to God!

31 Weeks - continued

Here's a picture of April at our OB appointment at 31 weeks. I need to post some pictures from when we first found out she was pregnant so we can compare. But here's what April looks like just 9 weeks before Ansley is due! Still just as cute as ever!

Ansley's Room Is Done!!

Well, we've still got a book shelf to put up and a few things to put in their places. But the painting is finally done and the room looks great! I started the middle of December, and didn't finish until the beginning of April! That's a LONG time! I hope little Ansley likes it! Take a look...

Monday, March 23, 2009

31 Weeks

No pictures this time... just an update. We're at 31 weeks now. We're on the "downhill stretch!" We've only got one more Bradley (pre-natal) class yet. I'll have to post something about that another day. I'm just a day or two away from finishing painting the baby room. I can't wait to get that finished. It already looks really good. We can't wait to push all the furniture back up against the walls and see what it looks like when it's done! And we've got an appointment tomorrow to get one of those 4D videos made. We'll definitely post something when that is done. April's still teaching her 1st Grade class. But she's got enough Vacation/Sick leave to take off whatever time she needs until the baby is born. And hopefully, I'll be able to take 2-3 weeks off of work when the baby is born to stay home with the family and help April get some rest in between all the feeding and everything else.

More news soon...

Saturday, February 28, 2009

April's New Car

April's old car has been doing a lot of weird things lately. Over the last couple years she's had like 3 tire blow outs, buttons falling off the dash, tail and headlights going out, stereo problems, and a long list of other embarrassing issues. And we just couldn't bear the thought of this thing breaking down once the baby is here. So we took advantage of the horrible economy and bought April a NEW CAR!! This really is the bese time in history to buy a new car. It's still expensive, but it's worth it to make sure mama and our little Ansley are always safe on those Louisiana highways!

Baby Room Progress

No pictures yet, but the baby room is really starting to come together. I've got most of the paint done on 3 out of the 4 walls. And a lot of the wallpaper border up too. I'll post some pics and probably a video once I get the whole room done. I moved all the furniture up against one of the walls so I could do the 3 others. Once these walls are done, I'll have to move the furniture back and start all over again on the 4th wall. But it will go MUCH faster now that I know what I'm doing. :)

22 Weeks... (Actually 28)

Well, if you're following this blog, I'm sorry I haven't updated it in a while.
I think it's been a couple months. We will be at 28 weeks on Monday and not much has changed, except that April is really starting to show! We'll have some tummy pictures soon. And April can really feel Ansley moving and kicking now.
Here are the last good ultrasound pics we got. At 22 weeks you can really see what little Ansley looks like. It's so awesome to see that little baby in mama's belly! I can't wait to see her in person!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Getting Ready For the Baby

We're still 5 months away from welcoming our first baby into our home. But we're so excited! This week, we have been getting the baby room ready. We've already got the crib, dresser, changing table, and hutch. We have ordered the play pen and stroller and are waiting for those to come in the mail. April cleaned out little Ansley's closet the other day and started hanging up her little clothes. So cute!

We have also decided on how to paint Ansley's room! We're going to use a couple different shades of pink with some wall paper border going around the room in the middle. Here's a little Photoshop mock-up of what one wall should look like when we're done.