Monday, June 1, 2009

41 Weeks... :(

Well, today (Monday) is 41 weeks! April is still dilated only 1 cm. It doesn't look like Ansley has dropped any. And April really isn't feeling any contractions. None of our natural methods of induction have worked. And believe me, we have tried them ALL. April went through a whole 4 oz. bottle of Castor Oil this past weekend and we thought if anything would work, it would be that. We have consulted all the baby making experts and have tried everything they recommend. But Ansley just seems to be a little too comfortable in mama right now.

At our OB appointment today, the doctor started throwing around words like "induction" and "c-section." These are words we were hoping we'd never have to think about. Looks like we'll be going to the hospital tonight to start some medication (Cytotec) that should help soften the cervix. We'll see how that goes. Hopefully, Ansley will get uncomfortable enough to start pushing her way out of there. We sure would love to see her! If there is no sign of progress, April is scheduled to start Pitocin tomorrow (Tuesday) morning. But hopefully a little bit more walking and maybe a few warm baths in the Jacuzzi tub will get that baby moving on her own. Did I mention how much we would love to see her??

1 comment:

Jerred and Lisa said...

I'm sorry it has come to an induction for you guys....I know how much you didn't want that! I just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you guys right now.....knowing you are probably going through those dreaded contractions! I hope everything comes out well, and mommmy and baby are healthy! God Bless