Friday, June 12, 2009

Ansley's First Week at Home

Here are a few pics of Ansley's first week at home...

June 6th - First Pediatrician Appt.

Today we took Ansley in for her first checkup with our Pediatrician, Dr. Rich at Mid-City Pediatrics. Because we left the hospital so soon, Dr. Rich wanted us to come in for a quick little 48 hr. checkup. And he told us Ansley is as healthy as she could be. We feel so blessed!!

June 4th - Coming Home

Here are some pictures from our last day at Highland before we left to bring our beautiful baby home. I wish we had some pictures with the nurses. We really loved the nursing staff at Highland. They were so helpful and caring and really made us feel at home while we were there. And they had so many things to teach us about taking care of our new baby girl...

Ansley in her car seat, ready for the ride home. Such a good girl, already sleeping!

All the flowers our friends and family brought for April and Ansley.

Mama loves Ansley!

Close-up of the cutest little baby in town!

Couple of happy, proud parents.

Proud mama with Ansley in her pretty white dress.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Day #2

Here are a couple more pictures...

Is that a smile??

Doesn't mama look good for just having a baby?!?!

Friends & Family Day

Well, this is from Ansley's 1st full day here on planet earth! We had tons of friends and family come and spend time with us. Grandparents from April's and my side were here almost all day. Plus many more. Here are some pictures of everybody holding little Ansley...

Mama of course




Grandma, aka "Nona" (April's mom)

Grandma (Andrew's mom)

Dr. Shattuck

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Few More Pictures

Here are a few more pictures from Ansley's birthday. April sure does look good after being up 2 days straight and pushing for 2 and 1/2 hours! 15 hours of labor total!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

She's Here!!!

Praise God!!
She's Here!!
Ansley Logan Wells is born...

Date: Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Time: 10:37 PM
Weight: 9 lbs. 8 oz.
Size: 20"

She's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen! (just like her mama...)

Monday, June 1, 2009

41 Weeks... :(

Well, today (Monday) is 41 weeks! April is still dilated only 1 cm. It doesn't look like Ansley has dropped any. And April really isn't feeling any contractions. None of our natural methods of induction have worked. And believe me, we have tried them ALL. April went through a whole 4 oz. bottle of Castor Oil this past weekend and we thought if anything would work, it would be that. We have consulted all the baby making experts and have tried everything they recommend. But Ansley just seems to be a little too comfortable in mama right now.

At our OB appointment today, the doctor started throwing around words like "induction" and "c-section." These are words we were hoping we'd never have to think about. Looks like we'll be going to the hospital tonight to start some medication (Cytotec) that should help soften the cervix. We'll see how that goes. Hopefully, Ansley will get uncomfortable enough to start pushing her way out of there. We sure would love to see her! If there is no sign of progress, April is scheduled to start Pitocin tomorrow (Tuesday) morning. But hopefully a little bit more walking and maybe a few warm baths in the Jacuzzi tub will get that baby moving on her own. Did I mention how much we would love to see her??