Wednesday, May 27, 2009

40 WEEKS!!

40 WEEKS... We're here! Monday, May 25th was Ansley's due date. We can't wait to see her! But I've heard from lots of other mama's that their first baby was atleast 2 weeks late. We've got another appointment Thursday, May 27th to see if there's been any more progress. So far, April is dilated only 1cm but the cervix is beginning to soften. We're a little worried about her being too much longer cuz she might already be too big. But we're trusting God to take care of everything in His time.

While we wait for Ansley to arrive, take a look at this new video. The last video of Ansley's room was just a video of the finished paint job. Take a look at what the room looks like now! It took us 5 months to get it ready!

Before & After

Here's a little comparison of what kind of changes April has gone through over the last 9 months...
It's amazing to think about what little Ansley must be going through in there. We can't wait to see her!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

39 weeks!!

Well, no pictures today. Ansley is due exactly ONE WEEK from today!!!
We have had a couple ultrasounds over the last few weeks. Both told us April is carrying a pretty big baby! Hopefully, all our Bradley education and training over the last few months will pay off. April is still planning on a natural birth...
April has been packing up the bags, putting the finishing touches on the baby room, and making the house smell REALLY good! I'm sure Ansley will love her new home! It should be a little brighter and drier than her current living situation.
We will post some new pictures once the baby room is completely complete.
My parents left California yesterday and are driving all the way out here to Louisiana. It's a 2000+ mile trip, so we probably won't see them until later this week. Hopefully Ansley can wait. :)
BUT... April will begin drinking Red Raspberry Leaf tea and trying a few other natural induction methods this week to try to keep Ansley from getting too much bigger before birth. Keep an eye on the blog! We're hoping for lots of new updates soon...