Saturday, February 28, 2009

April's New Car

April's old car has been doing a lot of weird things lately. Over the last couple years she's had like 3 tire blow outs, buttons falling off the dash, tail and headlights going out, stereo problems, and a long list of other embarrassing issues. And we just couldn't bear the thought of this thing breaking down once the baby is here. So we took advantage of the horrible economy and bought April a NEW CAR!! This really is the bese time in history to buy a new car. It's still expensive, but it's worth it to make sure mama and our little Ansley are always safe on those Louisiana highways!

Baby Room Progress

No pictures yet, but the baby room is really starting to come together. I've got most of the paint done on 3 out of the 4 walls. And a lot of the wallpaper border up too. I'll post some pics and probably a video once I get the whole room done. I moved all the furniture up against one of the walls so I could do the 3 others. Once these walls are done, I'll have to move the furniture back and start all over again on the 4th wall. But it will go MUCH faster now that I know what I'm doing. :)

22 Weeks... (Actually 28)

Well, if you're following this blog, I'm sorry I haven't updated it in a while.
I think it's been a couple months. We will be at 28 weeks on Monday and not much has changed, except that April is really starting to show! We'll have some tummy pictures soon. And April can really feel Ansley moving and kicking now.
Here are the last good ultrasound pics we got. At 22 weeks you can really see what little Ansley looks like. It's so awesome to see that little baby in mama's belly! I can't wait to see her in person!