Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas at Our Home - 2008

17 Weeks

It's gonna be a GIRL!!
April is at 17 weeks now and it looks like we finally found out the gender.
Her name is going to be Ansley Logan Wells.
We are very excited. Now we know what color clothes and baby stuff to get. I hope the ultrasound tech was right!?!? Take a look at the ultrasound pictures below and see for yourself.

(uh, the little white thing in the first picture is a mouse pointer)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

13 Weeks

April is at 13 weeks now. So we're now into the 2nd Trimester. We went in for another appointment the other day and got some new ultrasound photos. It was amazing seeing that baby move around and hearing the heart beat again. We even heard the baby kick!

8 Weeks

Here is a picture of the first ultrasound we got at 8 weeks! We got a real photogenic little baby! You can see little arm and leg buds and a big ol' baby head!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

First post!

Ok, this is more of a test than anything else. This is the first post of our first blog. This blog will be all about our first baby! But since we don't have any baby pictures yet, I'll just post a picture of us! We were married at Mt. Gilead Baptist Church on October 28th, 2006. We just celebrated our 2 year anniversary and April is about 12 weeks into her pregnancy. Hopefully we'll have some ultrasound pictures and other stuff to post soon!